Monday, April 24, 2017

Monday April 24th

This is the first post from the Meadowbrook golf course maintenance blog.  I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself, the employees, what we are working on at Meadowbrook, and what you can expect from this blog.

My name is Troy Tschida and I am the new golf course Foreman at Meadowbrook.  You may recognize my name because before coming to Meadowbrook, I was the Foreman at Theodore Wirth Golf Course for three rewarding years.  I will be giving regular updates on the conditions, upcoming projects, and maintenance of the course via this blog.  I am excited about the opportunity of getting Meadowbrook back into shape and providing the best playing conditions we can achieve.

Most of you will notice Tom Doble pictured above.  Tom has a great knowledge of the course and his experience will be much appreciated.  Today Tom is working on hole 14 and will be working on seeding primarily the fairway and rough areas that need additional seeding after the first seeding done in the fall.

Brad Erickson is one of our greens and tee mowers.  Brad comes to Meadowbrook from Wirth and is a great addition to our staff.  Brad, now retired, has spent his entire career working for the Park Board.  This morning Brad is mowing tees and collars.

Denise Farrell also comes to Meadowbrook from Wirth.  Denise is one of our rough and fairway mowers.  You may recognize Denise from the front desk at the Wirth Chalet in winter time.  She also previously worked on the Wirth golf staff for four seasons.  This morning, Denise is cleaning debris off of #14 fairway and preparing the area for Tom to seed.

Jordan Jergenson also comes to Meadowbrook from Wirth.  Jordan is a jack-of-all-trades that can run all of the mowing equipment and also assists me on the irrigation system.  Pictured above, you can see Jordan working on an irrigation break on #16 this morning.  

We will have a lot going on this summer to get the course ready to open.  I hope this blog will be a good tool to keep everyone informed on what we are working on.  As construction and restoration projects begin, I will be updating the blog to show and explain the work that is being done.  We appreciate your support of our work for a course we all love, and hope to have your continued support as we move toward being fully open.  As we are working on restoration and opening this fall, we ask for your help to keep the course clear of people using the grounds for personal activities.  This slows our restoration work and poses hazards to users.  Thank you for your understanding.