After much planning and coordination with a lot of entities the restoration work has begun. This is Me standing in front of Duinincks construction trailer. They began moving equipment in early last week and started work on Thursday. Duininck is under contract for bunker restoration, irrigation relocating, cart path restoration, and working on the dike on Meadowbrook lake.
The first step in restoring the bunkers is to till them in. Here they are working on the bunker in front of #1 green. When they finish tilling they use a bulldozer to move the tilled material around. This process should be done by the middle of this week.
Here is a picture of the left green side bunker on #9. I will be taking pictures and posting them frequently to keep people updated on the progress of the project.
It's a shame you didn't engage the Creekside Neighborhood regarding closing off access to the nature trail - especially when an augmented version of that trail was part of the redesign plan that was aborted. What happened to making the property more of an asset for stakeholders other than golfers? (and I do golf) I understand that trespassing on the course itself got out of hand with people driving in from around the area. As neighbors, we also hated to see dog owners come in and abuse the course claiming it as their own dog park. For years, the Creekside Neighborhood has cleaned the Creek and surrounding area as part of what was a symbiotic relationship. There is some understanding on this side that something needed to change with the dog traffic that increased with the course being shut down. You didn't go about that decision-making process correctly. I think we'll be finding a different community service project for next year, as you've alienated a whole class of stakeholders. Respectfully, Steve Shepherd