Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Tuesday May 9th

The next few weeks the blog posts will be a little more interesting as we are preparing for Duininck Construction to begin working on their part of the restoration of the course.  They will be restoring bunkers, cart paths, the washed out area on the dike that seperates us from lake Meadowbrook, and moving irrigation controllers out of the flood plain.  There will be large equipment moving about the course, so again please stay off the property until the course is ready to open.
 Tom Doble has been mowing the large rough areas with his new rough mower now that the turf is actively growing.  It has been nice to work with some warmer temperatures.
 We began the process this morning of removing over 350 stumps from the course.  These stumps are from Ash tree removals in 2014, flood damaged trees, and stumps that look to have been on the course for many years.  The stumps will be ground, debris removed, back filled, and seeded.
 One of the stump grinder operators working on the left side of hole #1.  It will be nice to have the stumps removed!
 It has been one week today since we aerified the greens.  As you see they are healing in nicely and enjoying the air space that we created.  We will be doing this process again in the early part of June.  One of the perks of having no golf until later in the summer.
We continue to seed fairway areas like the one here on #8.  Now that night time temperatures are staying a little warmer we should start to see some of the seed in these areas begin to germinate

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